Health From Within - Family Chiropractic (St. Louis, MO)

Health From Within breaks down health and fitness concepts that have been publicized to seem more complex than they really are. Their goal is to provide you with simple, common-sense tips to preventing disease and living a fuller, healthier lifestyle.

Hippocrates Health Institute (Palm Beach, FL)

Set in lush, tropical 50-acre setting in West Palm Beach, Florida, guests from all over the world benefit from health and nutritional counseling, non-invasive remedial and youth-enhancing therapies, state of the art spa services, inspiring talks on life principles and a tantalizing daily buffet of enzyme-rich, organic meals.

Palm Health (St. Louis, MO)

Personalized proactive care, customized solutions & comprehensive support across time. Advanced therapies and technologies to prevent, uncover, and treat the root cause of illness. Lifestyle with daily access to a state-of-the-art healing environment, wellness & fitness activities, healthcare and spa. Medicine provided by a team of multidisciplinary experts working together for health optimization in an inviting therapeutic atmosphere.